Activity organized by the Instituto de Tecnologías en Detección y Astropartículas (ITeDAM-sede Mendoza) and the Instituto de Bioingeniería de la Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Mendoza (IBio-FI-UM), in the framework of the international Project REINFORCE (GA 872859) with the support of EC Research Innovation Action under the H2020 Program SwafS-2019-1.
INSCRIPTION: https://bit.ly/3rfGMcR
The activity is intended for general public, it seeks to show the sonorization as a tool for the analysis of astronomical data, particularly the data available in open access databases.
The main objective of the activity is to make multimodal learning techniques available to people, and bring them closer to astronomy using real data (galaxies, stars and cosmic rays).
Informative material will be provided at the venue so that participants can download it. It is optional for attendees to bring their computer to carry out activities that will be described in the place, for which the use of headphones would be ideal (it is recommended to bring your own). In case of not being able to bring a computer, the proposed tool can also be used from a smartphone.
Interactive material and sample videos of some techniques that are still under development will be available. The event will be face-to-face, and will take place over a 2-hour day. Participants will then be asked to complete a short survey about the meeting and their experience with sonification.